Lanham-Love Consulting seeks to create Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment solutions that result in additional benefits and increased compliance across multiple elements of the scorecard for your business. There are a number of ways in which this objective can be achieved – one of which is through the Management Control aspect of the B-BBEE Scorecard.
“Management Control covers the extent to which Black people are represented in a company’s management structure,” says Angie Lanham-Love, CEO of Lanham-Love Consulting. “The intention here is to encourage companies, entities and businesses to more fairly represent the racial and gender make up of the South African demographic within their companies – specifically in management positions, such as on the board, or within their operational management structures.”
“Fair representation in this case is based on what is termed The Economically Active Population, or EAP,” says Lanham-Love. “As such, your business’s management is not expected to be representative of the population as a whole, but rather the subset of that group that is economically active.”
According to Statistics South Africa, the distribution of Economically Active Black African people in South Africa, depending on which province you are in, ranges between and 38% and 95.8%. “Interestingly, because the B-BBEEE Scorecard differentiates between Black Males and Black Females, this means that Black women, in some instances, count twice under this particular element,” says Lanham-Love. “Awareness of this kind of provision within the B-BBEE Codes can be invaluable in providing you with the most B-BBEE bang for your buck, so to speak. This is why a consulting firm like Lanham-Love Consulting can provide you with exceptional return on your investment in B-BBEE.”
“Further to this, it is worthwhile to mention that another severely underrepresented portion of the population when it comes to management control is persons with disabilities,” says Lanham-Love. “The target for Black people with Disabilities is 2% of your staff headcount. As the definition of disability is reasonably broad, these can be some of the easiest points to achieve in the scorecard.” Identifying disabled staff is key as there are additional points under skills development for training your disabled employees.
At the heart of it, Management Control, like all of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, is about accelerating the participation of black people in the economy. “Unfortunately, due to the complicated nature of the amended codes of B-BBEE practice, compliance may seem daunting, frustrating, and like a massive maze,” says Lanham-Love. “At Lanham-Love Consulting, our team of experienced, dynamic and innovative consultants, are determined to work with you to find the easiest path for your entity to navigate toward the goal of compliance.”
The amended codes have made B-BBEE a complex and expensive exercise. Lanham-Love Consulting believes, therefore, that the money you invest in B-BBEE should equate back to your company in either business benefit or points scoring in multiple elements. Speak to us if you wish to achieve true B-BBEE value that uplifts everyone involved.